Monday, February 3, 2020

What is the Rise of Skywalker Rewrite?

There are a lot of reasons why the Rise of Skywalker is an enjoyable movie. The action is good, the characters are interesting. The visuals are top notch, and lots of things are there to keep you focused on what's coming next.

Unfortunately, very little of it seems to make narrative sense.Things happen that were not in connection with anything else, characters act in contrast to their past behaviors for no discernible reason, and much of the plot was driven by coincidence. This is why I consider it an enjoyable movie, not a good, or great movie.

My point is that it could have been so much better if it had:
  • Built upon some of the existing canonical lore (the theatrical live action movies)
  • Tied that lore to new ideas with new consequences
  • Used character action and personal growth to drive the narrative
  • Respected the spirit and message of the franchise
This blog is primarily aimed at updating the plot of Rise of Skywalker, but will touch on or update small parts in other movies. The purpose is not to debate the nature of the failings of this Star Wars movie as there has been too much ink spilled on this subject already. Instead, I will list off how the updates will enhance the movie I had hoped we would get.

Is this fanfic? I suppose, in that I am writing about the Star Wars universe, and revising it. I am not going to describe each scene in detail, or set up specific dialogue. I just want to discuss what overall themes and ideas might have made more sense in for this movie, and how those themes could have played out.